Relationship-Sabotaging Behaviors and How Therapy Can Help You Overcome Them

Image of a couple sitting far apart, symbolizing common relationship sabotaging behaviours addressed in couples therapy in Ontario

Are you struggling with relationship-sabotaging behaviours? Do you find yourself avoiding conflict, frequently criticizing your partner, or trying to control and manipulate the relationship? These behaviours can harm your connection and lead to a toxic relationship environment.

As a couples/relationship therapist based in Ontario, I have helped many clients overcome these challenges and build healthier, happier relationships. In this article, I will discuss common relationship-sabotaging behaviours and provide actionable ways to change them.

Avoiding Conflict and Not Expressing Yourself Effectively

When you avoid conflict and don’t express yourself effectively, you risk having your relationship needs going unmet. Over time this builds up resentment and contempt. In couples therapy, we can work on improving  communication skills. This helps you express yourself in a healthy, assertive way that meets your needs without damaging the relationship.

Frequent Criticism and Withholding Appreciation

Constantly criticizing your partner without showing appreciation for them can lead to tension. Additionally, constant criticism can emotionally push your partner away. In therapy, we can help you identify and express appreciation and gratitude towards your partner, thus creating a positive cycle of giving and receiving.

Control and Manipulation

Controlling and manipulating the relationship can create a power struggle and leave your partner powerless and dissatisfied. In therapy, we can help you work through the underlying issues that drive this behaviour and develop healthier ways of relating to your partner.

Passive-Aggressive Behaviour

Resorting to indirect communication or passive-aggressive behaviour can lead to confusion and prevent effective conflict resolution. In therapy, we can help you develop direct communication skills and learn how to express anger and frustration healthily.

Refusing to Accept Influence

Rigidity, wanting to be right all the time, and inattentiveness to your partner’s request can create a power struggle and your partner’s dissatisfaction. In therapy, we can improve your emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and self-regulation skills to help you become more receptive to your partner’s influence and build a stronger, more satisfying relationship.


If you struggle with relationship-sabotaging behaviours, know you are not alone. You can learn how to overcome these challenges and build healthier, happier relationships with  therapy. As  a couples counselling practice in Ontario, we can support you on this journey. Contact us today or book a session to start your journey toward a better relationship.

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